Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

Concert halls are platforms just like Facebook

Senior engineers could acts as floating pair programmer. They move to where progress is blocked to keep velocity constant. At the same time they would become familiar with all parts of the system and be better at optimizing architecture. It would also be a way to advance on a technical career path.

Signet Ring

An application that replays git commits to show the progression of software development. It would be useful for interviews and visualization of how software design is done.

We should acknowledge corporations affect on our democracy and invite them to be part of the conversation.

Scroll should do a deal with Twitch and Patreon. Open access to the first tier content when scroll is active.

Neurons make up the brain. The mind is the signal flowing through those neurons

Libraries should have auto-subscriptions. They choose books for you.

We have already encountered alien intelligences and they are corporations.

How much of your visual field is it acceptable to cover with ads?